Monday, October 12, 2009


We thought it would be good to show off our talent a little, to whet appetities while our major project is still in the works. Our writers will post excerpts of their work to give you an idea of what we're about. Here's the first: an excerpt from Crossing, the novella by C.S. Ntumy that won in the novel category of the 2009 Bessie Head Heritage Trust competition.


Gaborone, Botswana, May 2007

There was nothing special about it. Khumo had come here maybe eight times in the past month, but still she couldn’t see it, whatever it was. She walked towards it, keeping an eye out for passing cars, and took in the surroundings. The woman selling maize by the side of the road. The children running back and forth across the railway line. The stray dog sniffing at litter a short distance away. The red and white warning signs, the large circle that read “40” and the cars, most of which paid no attention to the speed limit. It was just a normal railway crossing.
She heard the whistle and backed away, even though the train was still far and she could have made it across the tracks in good time. She stood beside the maize hawker and watched the immense metal creature roar past. She looked at the cars waiting patiently – a white Toyota Hilux, a maroon Audi, a green Corolla, a silver Nissan March, and a bright yellow monster that looked more like a gadget than a vehicle.
The train screamed into the distance, and the cars continued on their way. She glanced up at Old Naledi, the area beyond the tracks. Everything was as it should be – as it had always been. There was nothing to see. She knew that, and yet she kept coming, in the hope that…
The hope that what? She could change things? She could find a clue, a secret doorway into the past, a way to go back and make everything all right again? She put her hands into the pockets of her jacket. The sun was high in the sky and the chilly winter morning had melted away into a pleasant afternoon, but she was still cold.
Her phone vibrated against her thigh again, and again she ignored it. She glanced at her pocket, detached from the sensation of the small bump in her tight jeans, thinking vaguely that she should have left the phone at home. It was her mother, of course, or maybe her grandmother, or her cousin, or her best friend. It was somebody who didn’t want her to be there, at Benson’s crossing, someone who wanted her to forget. But she couldn’t. She walked across the railway line, quickly enough so she didn’t attract attention, but slowly enough to experience it, if it happened. It didn’t. Her feet moved over the metal, landed on the tar on the other side, and kept going. There was no moment of realization, no funny shiver down her spine, no sense of being watched. Nothing.
Frustrated, she turned around, ignoring the curious stare of the maize hawker, and walked back again, across the tracks. She focused hard. She tuned everything else out and allowed herself to feel. The sunlight on the back of her neck. The slight breeze sweeping into her jacket. The feel of the raised metal lines beneath her feet…
She stopped. There was something. She clung to the gate, pressing herself against it in case a car came by, and closed her eyes. It was a jolt, not like electricity, but like waking up suddenly from a dream, and not knowing for sure whether you were awake. It was like coming out of a reverie and remembering that you were in a lecture, but not knowing what lecture it was or what the person in front of the class was talking about. It lasted a fraction of a second, and then it was gone. Just before she opened her eyes a face flashed into her mind. It was the face of a woman; blonde, pretty, with a vague air of anxiety about her.
Khumo opened her eyes. It was the face of Helen King.

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